
所有通过约洛县发放许可证的现有许可证持有人 治安官 许可证到期后,部门需要重新申请新的许可证. 在萨克拉门托西部,通过其他机构颁发的许可证不能续签.


加州 Penal Code sections 26150 and 26155 provide that a sheriff of a county or the chief or other head of a municipal police department of any city or city and county may issue a 许可证 to carry a pistol, 左轮手枪, 或其他可隐藏于该人身上的火器(公约 许可). Penal Code section 26175 requires the Attorney General to prescribe a statewide standard application form for a 公约 许可证.  Answering all the questions on the Application does not guarantee the issuance of a Concealed Weapon Permit. The determination whether to issue the 许可证 is at the discretion of the licensing authority. 根据加州刑法典第26160条, each licensing authority will have a written policy summarizing their requirements for issuance of a Concealed Weapon Permit. 除了, 在签发隐藏武器许可证之前, 《海洋之神官方网站》要求证明:

  • 申请人品德良好;
  • 符合居住条件; 
  • The course of training prescribed by the licensing authority has been completed; and 
  • 必须提供三封推荐信吗. 

Application includes standardized questions to determine whether a Concealed Weapon Permit shall be issued.  The applicant will certify under penalty of perjury that all answers provided in the application are true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.  The applicant will also acknowledge that information disclosed on this application may be subject to public disclosure. Information provided in the application is subject to investigation and any false, 不诚实的, or incomplete answer to any question on the application may be grounds for denial or subsequent revocation of a Concealed Weapon Permit.  



你的家庭住址必须是加州最新的 DMV 你必须是西萨克拉门托市的居民.  海洋之神官方网站被要求检查一下 DMV的数据库,以确保您的家庭住址是最新的.  You cannot update your home address simply by registering a vehicle or updating your vehicle registration.  可能需要超过72小时 DMV 数据库以反映更改.  It is not required that your actual driver’s 许可证 reflect your current address as the DMV does not normally issue you a new 许可证 simply because you update your address. 海洋之神官方网站将检查 DMV 数据库以确保它与您当前的家庭住址匹配. 


如果你在美国军队服役,你需要上传一份你的 DD-214 that displays the type of discharge you received (must show Character of Service ie: Honorable). 现役军人, please provide a current Command letter and a copy of your current military orders showing duty status/location to establish residence. 


如果你不是出生在美国, you will be required to upload verification that you are here in the US legally by uploading one of the following documents:

  •  入籍证书
  • Resident Alien Card (be sure to upload the back side showing the expiration date, if applicable)
  • 有效美国护照
  • 海外出生证明

当提交申请一个新的, 续订或更改地址, 所有申请人均须上传以下资料:

  • 所有居住证明必须包括您的家庭住址(海洋之神官方网站不接受P.O. 方框作为地址!您将需要扫描两(2)项居住证明.  至少有一(1)份必须是水电费账单.  居住证明必须至少是账单的整个第一页, 包括撕掉, mail-out portion so we can view both the location of service and the address where the bill is mailed and ensure there is no past due balance.   居住证明必须是有效的.  海洋之神官方网站不接受逾期的账单.  海洋之神官方网站也不接受来自 DMV,租赁/租赁协议,税单,也不是保险单.  如果你的账单/对账单没有送到你的住所, please go ONLINE and print out a copy of the actual bill/statement and upload them in到你的 application by following the procedure to ADD FILES. Acceptable proof of residency should be the most current bills that you receive MONTHLY. 至少一份文件应该是水电费账单.


  • 银行对账单
  • 手机话费单
  • 信用卡对账单
  • 抵押贷款的声明

你的许可证可以附带无限数量的枪支, 但这张卡片上只有三种武器的描述. 你必须在选择携带枪支时出示资格证明. Be sure each firearm you list on your Concealed Weapon Permit is registered to you in the state of 加州.  枪支不能登记给任何其他家庭成员.  你不能添加步枪类型/样式的武器,如AR-Pistol, AK-Pistol等. 到你的 公约 许可证.

中的所有步骤未能完成 公约 process thirty (30) days from the date of the Approval email will result in the withdrawal of the 公约 申请时,将暂停申请六个月.

请按此连结浏览 西萨克拉门托 公约 波利奇Y

公约 枪械训练课程及实弹枪械资格证书

加州刑法典第26165条. (b), requires the licensing authority to establish 并向公众开放, the standards it uses when issuing 许可证s with regards to the live fire shooting exercises it requires.

适用于任何新的许可证申请人, the course of training for issuance of a 许可证 is 16 hours of instruction on firearm safety, 火器处理, 关于允许使用火器的射击技术和法律.

For 许可证 renewal applicant the course of training for issuance of a 许可证 is 4 hours of instruction on firearm safety, 火器处理, 关于允许使用火器的射击技术和法律.

立法会条例草案. 2018年9月26日,州长杰里·布朗批准了第2103号议会法案. 该法案于2019年1月1日生效. 该法案要求 公约 培训课时不少于8小时,但不得超过16小时. 国会第2103号法案也要求 公约 包括枪支操作指导的培训课程, 拍摄技术, and to include a demonstration by the applicant on shooting proficiency and safe handling of each firearm the applicant will be 许可证d to carry. 训练将包括在射击场进行实弹演习. 该法案需要许可机构(西萨克拉门托警察局).)建立, 并向公众开放, standards it uses when issuing 许可证s with regards to the live-fire shooting exercises.

请  take your training and qualification courses or get fingerprinted until instructed to do so. 请 do not jump ahead in the process as your training and qualification courses will not be accepted until requested. You may list the handguns you initially wish to list on your 许可证; however, 最后几把手枪列在你的 公约 许可证 will be based upon the information provided on the Training and Qualification verification documents your 枪支 and Qualification Instructor will provide to you to upload later in the process.


The live-fire portion of the training shall be demonstrated with ALL weapons to be listed on the 许可证. 靶子的尺寸应为12 X 16英寸,并且必须能够得分. 申请人的最低及格分数必须达到80%.

No firearms that traditionally would fall under the rifle category will be approved for the 许可证. Examples would be AR Pistols, AK pistols or any variants of these types of firearms.  


Applicants are required to obtain their firearms training and safety course from one of the below listed trainers. 

公约 教练

The West Sacramento 警察 Department does not endorse any firearms training institution or instructor. 相反,海洋之神官方网站会评估每个提交给海洋之神官方网站的培训课程以获得批准. Trainers wanting to be considered and added to the above list must provide the following documents to the West Sacramento 警察 Department 公约 评价单位:

  • 加州 司法部 教师证书
  • bsi 枪械教官执照
  • 责任保险证明 
  • 加州的营业执照吗?
  • 任何教员证书适用于 公约 培训课程
  • 所有适用的培训和测试课程, 包括首次申请及续期申请人的射击课程
  • 结业证书

公约 问题: 公约@cityofwestsacramento.org


请点击 在这里 申请你的 公约